The Little Veg





                    Free home delivery!..........



We offer free home delivery within Foklestone with NO minimum order!!


Just let us know what you would like in a way that suits you either by phone, internet or E-mail and in a way that suits you as we appriciate that some times it's hard to know how how much of something you would like by weight so you can either order by weight, or amount in money or amount for "X" amount of people, i.e roast pot's for 5 people we are big/small/average eaters.



Deliverys out side of Folkestone.... We deliver out to a 10 mile radious of our location this covers most of the local villages and surrounding areas.



From 3 - 5 miles out there is a £20.00 minimum order*



From 5 - 10 miles out there is a £35.00 minimum order*






 * The minimum order delivery figours aren't set in stone and we will try to accomidate you as best we can, but at peak points this may not be posible.

                                     Shop opening hours


           Monday - Friday      08:30  -  19:00      Sunday      09:00  -  14:00

      Closed Bank Holiday Mondays, Christmas, Boxing and New Years days

                   01303 210076


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